KOS-causative verb

KOS Causative Verb (Have/Get)

Passive Form : S(aux) + have/get + direct object + V3/Past Participle (+ adverb if necessary)
Active Form : S(aux) + have + indirect object + inf/V1 + direct object (+ adverb if necessary)
S(aux) + get + indirect object + to + inf/V1 + direct object (+ adverb if necessary)

Subject of Causative Verb :
1. The one who asks someone else to do something
2. The one who asks something to be done.

Example :
a. He asked me to buy some cakes yesterday | I bought some cakes for him yesterday.
* Passive : He had some cakes bought yesterday.
* Active :
1. He had me buy some cakes yesterday.
2. He got me to buy some cakes.

b. They have told Nina to wash the dishes | Nina has washed the dishes for them.
*Passive : They have had the dishes washed.
*Active :
1. They have had Nina wash the dishes.
2. They have got Nina to wash the dishes.

c. Tell the boy to finish it in 2 hours.
*Passive : Have/get it finished it in 2 hours.
*Active :
1. Have the boy finished it in 2 hours.
2. Get the boy finished it in 2 hours.

Kalau Present Perfect :
* He has asked me to buy some cakes. | I have bought some cakes for him.
Jadinya : He has had some cakes bought.

from :http://d12cc.wordpress.com/

By onlineshop with